The right to information is recognized in the 1973 Constitution and further strengthened in the 1987 Constitution. The Access Initiative Philippines has been actively involved with the Access to Information Network (ATIN), a group of NGOs and other networks advocating for the passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill in the Philippines. Despite a long advocacy campaign, the FOI bill is still in process. The Philippine Coalition, led by partner organization the Ateneo School of Government, concluded their TAI Assessment and are now in a post-assessment phase. TAI Philippines is part of the Technical Workshop Group to draft and deliberate on the FOI Bill for submission to the Access to Information Committee in the House of Representatives. TAI partners, including the Ateneo School of Government, helped advocate for the “Procedures for Environmental Cases” approved in April, 2010 by the Supreme Court in the Philippines. Starting with the objective of protecting and advancing the constitutional right of the people to a balanced and healthful environment, these rules propose to revolutionize how environmental cases are addressed, including provisions to make trials make simpler, speedier and less expensive.