La Iniciativa de Acceso se enorgullece de anunciar una búsqueda de Campeones de Escazú.
Alliance Voahary Gasy (AVG) is a platform of 27 civil society member organizations working for the Malagasy environment. AVG aims to help establish the good governance of natural resources and to help ensure proper management of natural resources for sustainable development. The Alliance works in a number of fields including environmental justice and capacity building.
Amicale Malagasy des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts (AIFM) is Madagascar's official forest engineers association. AIFM's mission is to promote science, technology, education and the practice of forestry. AIFM utilizes the knowledge, skills and ethics of the profession to ensure the sustainability, health and use of forest resources for the benefit of society.
Association Intercooperation Madagascar (AIM) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which directs the implementation of development programs and projects in Madagascar. The mission of the AIM is to act in a collective manner to contribute to rural and urban development, thus reducing poverty and improving the populations living conditions. AIM works in six main fields: food security, natural resource management, community health, local economy, and governance. The Association promotes transparency in all interactions between the public and private sectors, equitable development, and innovation. AIM works with the "pro-poor" approach, which is sensitive to gender and gives priority to the vulnerable strata.
Association Nacional d'Actions Environnementales (ANAE) is a non-profit organization which promotes environmental protection and economic and social development in Madagascar. ANAE aims to contribute to the development of sustainable management of natural resources and improve rural living to ensure the well-being of the ecosystem and human welfare. ANAE works to promote a process of awareness, development, and transfer of technical and organizational knowledge that will enable rural communities to improve their productive capacity while protecting natural resources, restore degraded forests and turn them into functional ecosystems, and conserve forest resources to reduce the impact of climate change.
The Development and Environmental Law Center (DELC) is a public interest environmental law group in Madagascar which works to promote environmental justice. DELC's mission is to strengthen the integration between legal science and governance of natural resources by the establishment of legal framework for the balance between conservation of natural resources and socio-economic development. DELC works on promoting community-based management of natural resources, legal literacy, community advocacy, and the adaptation of laws to climate change.
"Groupement d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Primates is a non-profit organization focused on the conservation of primates in Madagascar. The organization primarily focuses its research on lemurs, including the study of their geographical distribution, the implementation of conservation plans, and participation in the discovery of new species. Groupement d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Primates is also responsible for transferring animals weakened by the destruction of their habitat to protected areas and zoos. Groupement d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Primates collaborates with other organization in the protection of lemurs on the island and setting up educational programs for the local people. "
Observatoire National de l'Envorpnnement Secteur Forestier (ONESF) is a body monitoring the governance of environmental programs and public and private forestry. ONESF carries out the collection, analysis, and dissemination of environmental and forestry data. ONESF provides recommendations to provide guidance for any decision affecting the environment and forestry. They are committed to taking care of the environment and making Madagascar a world leader in the development and use of the best approaches for environmental protection. ONESF is also committed to enhancing the effectiveness of forest administration.
Plateforme de Sociétés Civiles FAMARI Atsimo Andrefana is an association with the mission of building a strong civil society which contributes to the welfare of Malagasy people through the good management and governance of natural resources. FAMARI aims to promote sustainable development and help society maintain a harmonious relationship between man and nature in order to ensure the quality and survival of human life. FAMARI works to help establish a basic structure in districts and municipalities for the management and governance of natural resources at the local level.
SAF / FJKM is a non-governmental organization established by the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) to assist in the development of extremely vulnerable individuals and provides humanitarian assistance when needed. SAF / FJKM has five interdependent programs: water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); basic health, food and nutrition; food security; environment; and disaster risk management. SAF / FJKM works to improve and promote its role as a technical and social facilitator and further integrate its five thematic programs.
Service dAppui a la Gestion de lEnvironnement (SAGE) is an association that actively contributes to local development by focusing on the management of natural resources. SAGE implements several activities aimed at the effective decentralization and integration of the environmental dimension in development. The association facilitates the realization of local initiatives and supports communities in the search for suitable ways to improve their living conditions without wasting natural resources. SAGE works to promote capacity building and social communication to guarantee the efficient and effective involvement of local communities in the sustainable management decision making process.
Tandavanala is a non-governmental organization working towards the conservation of natural resources and the well-being of the community. The mission of the Tandavanala is to promote the sustainable and equitable development of all social strata in Madagascar using a rational and balanced approach to the valuation of natural resources and biodiversity and consideration of the unique socio-cultural values in Madagascar. Tandavanala's objective is to promote sustainable development and ensure the maintenance of the ecological function of forest ecosystems in Madagascar in general and southern regions in particular. Tandavanala works to support local communities in improving their living conditions and reinforce good governance of natural resources.