The Access Initiative

Best Practices- Access to Justice

Published: 2008 Agenda for Public Interest Law Reform   This is a memorandum authored by Professor John E. Bonine. The best practices regarding access to justice include removal or

Citizen Voices in Water Sector Governance

Published: 2005 The Role of Transparency, Participation and Government Accountability This brochure gives a summary of the findings of case studies chosen specifically to address a range

The Calabash Project

Published: 2005 Tools for Effective Participation in the EIA Process   Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has existed for 30 years. During its evolution, public involvement in the

Access to Environmental Information in Uganda

Published: 2008 Access to environmental information is becoming increasingly important, especially in countries where people rely heavily on natural resources. International norms can make a significant difference in

Our Rights Our Information

Published: 2008 Empowering People to Demand Rights Through Knowledge In an age where information is available at the click of a button, lack of information continues to