Colombia scored very well on the Transparency pillar, scored well on the Justice pillar, and received a fair score on the Participation pillar. The Colombian constitution grants the public a broad right to access environmental information. Government authorities must proactively make information pertaining to the environment and public health publicly available. While most decisions assessed require there to be opportunities for public to participate, the government is rarely required to proactively seek public participation or to inform the public about these opportunities. If these steps are not taken in practice, the publics awareness of these opportunities may be lacking. Colombia scored well on the Justice pillar due to clear review procedures, broad standing requirements, and financial and gender-related assistance mechanisms. These legal mechanisms provide women and vulnerable groups with the capacity to seek redress in court when government or private-actor decisions violate their environmental rights. Colombias laws suggest a national commitment to environmental democracy.
Visit the Environmental Democracy Index to explore the EDI score.