The Access Initiative

Photo Essay: A Global Gathering for Environmental Rights

Article by Alisa Zomer, Yale F&ES ’14 (Posted: November 10, 2014)

The murals and graffiti that define public space in Bogota give an impression of the country’s creativity, diversity, and struggle. Emerging from a period of political and social unrest, Colombia is enjoying a period of economic growth and positive international attention. As an example of what is possible, Colombia is the perfect place for civil society to gather from around the world to learn from one another, share strategies, and get energized to move on important environmental rights. This year’s gathering, hosted by Colombian Asociacion ambiente y sociedad, had 95 representatives from over 40 countries. It focused on the intersection between technology and forest management. A defining moment of diversity and group-think was during the exercise “Agree, Disagree, Unsure.” Participants came up with controversial statements (i.e. ‘using technology is necessary for environmental protection,’ ‘democracy does not work for the environment,’ ‘business must be part of the solution,’ ‘there is no sustainable mining,’) and were asked to take a position and discuss. It was valuable to see the wide range of positions on seemingly simple issues and especially interesting experiencing participants persuade others to join their side – all with appreciation and respect.

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Global Gathering to Explore How Technology is Improving Forest Governance

This blog was originally posted on the Global Forest Watch Blog on August 4, 2014. By Jonathan Mason and Jared Messinger Recent advances in technology have revolutionized the way people live, work, and communicate with each other. So, if these transformations can change how we access media and purchase goods, can they also improve how we manage our natural resources? In October, the World Resources Institute and The Access Initiative (TAI) will convene its wide network of innovators who are already answering that question. Every two years, the Global Gathering brings together partners, civil society organizations, and community and indigenous leaders from around the world to tackle urgent issues involving community access to information and participation in environmental decision-making. This year, marks the 5th Global Gathering, which will focus on using information, data, and technology to protect forests and strengthen the rights of forest-dependent communities. The conference, hosted by TAI, Governance of Forests Initiative (GFI), and Global Forest Watch (GFW), will take place in Bogotá, Colombia from October 29th through the 31st. Globally, around 1 billion rural poor depend on forests for at least part of their livelihoods, and another 350 million depend heavily on forests. This means that nearly one out of every five people in the world relies on forests for basic needs. Yet forest governance in developing countries suffers many problems, including a lack of clear land tenure, antiquated forest regulations, and limited dialogue between the state and its citizens. Further, official efforts to recognize community land and resource rights have slowed. Failing to address these issues deprives communities and countries of accessing, enjoying, and deriving full value from their natural resources. For example, illegal logging on public lands in developing countries results in more than $10 billion (USD) in lost assets and revenue every year, resulting in weakened governance and degraded landscapes. Overcoming these urgent challenges requires innovative solutions. Communities and civil society desperately need the data and tools to help them protect forests and defend their rights. Fortunately, technology has the potential to revolutionize forest governance. Across the world, information and communication technologies have grown more affordable, ubiquitous, and user-friendly. These advances provide previously marginalized people with tools to assert their rights by accessing, using, collecting, and providing high-quality information on forests. Here are 8 examples of how technology is already improving forest governance: 1. Recycled cell phones capture chainsaw noises to prevent illegal logging in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). International conservation organizations use this system to create an e-mail alert system for fires in or around protected areas in Madagascar, Indonesia, Bolivia, and Peru. 8. Cloud-based application maps urban forests in the United States Open Tree Map relies on crowdsourcing and cloud computing to map urban forests and display the ecosystem benefits of street trees in American cities. Building on this momentum, the Global Gathering will convene representatives from civil society, communities, and indigenous groups to share experiences, build expertise, and expand networks for more impactful use of digital tools to protect forests, strengthen land rights, and promote forest information transparency. In addition, the Global Gathering will feature hands-on training to strengthen participants’ skills in geospatial analysis, crowd-sourcing, and the use of data and technology for environmental advocacy. Technology use is no longer restricted to only more developed countries or experts. Instead, resource-limited communities, indigenous peoples, and civil society organizations can build networks, acquire new skills, and develop innovative ways to deploy technologies to protect their local forests and secure their rights.

Cut and Paste Fraud Suspected in Indian EIA

By Lalanath De Silva (Posted: January 15, 2008)

Right to Information request in India has revealed that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a bauxite mining project in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, was copied at least in part from a Russian EIA for a bauxite mine. Variables in surface water quality, precipitation, bird and mammal densities, number of species and impacts of the projects match. The Indian EIA even listed tree species found only in northern temperate regions, such as Alaska, Norway and Russia.

Since 2005, the Indian Right to Information Act has allowed citizens to expose corruption in government and fraudulent practices in decision-making processes. EIAs are required for certain development projects that have significant impacts on the environment. Hundred of EIAs are being filed throughout India for development projects that range from hydroelectric dams to roadways and mining. Monitoring EIAs to ensure that environmental impacts are considered and eliminated or mitigated has become a huge challenge for civil society organizations. The Right to Information Act has become a useful tool in this Herculean task.The fraud in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra was exposed by Ritwick Dutta, an environmental lawyer with the help of Mark Chernaik, a staff scientist in the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide network. Ritwick Dutta is also a leader in the The Access Initiative (TAI) India network and will soon launch a TAI assessment for Northern India. The TAI assessment will reveal gaps in laws, institutions and practices relating to transparencyinclusiveness and accountability in government decision-making on environmental matters in Northern India.

The Access Initiative (TAI) seeks to ensure that people have a voice in the decisions that affect their environment and their communities. TAI partners promote transparent, participatory, and accountable governance as an essential foundation for sustainable development. To achieve this goal, partners form national coalitions, assess government progress using a common methodology, raise public awareness, and set priorities for improvements in policy and practice.

India was the site of a pilot TAI assessment; an assessment for the State of Karnataka is proceeding. TAI India partners have worked to achieve changes including intervening in Government efforts to abridge public information and participation rights in the environmental clearance process for development projects.