The Access Initiative

Application des droits environnementaux en Afrique: Des principes à la pratique

WRI et The Access Initiative Africa ont lancé le projet sur les droits environnementaux en Afrique pour étudier la faisabilité et les options de voie pour améliorer la reconnaissance et la mise en œuvre effective des droits environnementaux en Afrique et soutenir l’élaboration d’une feuille de route pour l’action. Ce rapport présente notre évaluation initiale et nos recommandations basées sur un niveau élevé de cartographie des accords, des lois et des décisions de justice sur les droits environnementaux à travers l’Afrique et des études de cas détaillées en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), au Ghana, au Kenya et en Afrique du Sud.

The Road to Realizing Environmental Rights In Africa: Moving From Principles to Practice

WRI and The Access Initiative Africa has begun the Environmental Rights in Africa Project to investigate the feasibility and pathway options for improving the recognition and effective implementation of environmental rights in Africa and support development of a roadmap for action. This report presents our initial evaluation and recommendations based on a high level of mapping of environmental rights agreements, laws, and court decisions across Africa and detailed case studies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa.


4 activistas ambientales son asesinados cada semana. Un nuevo acuerdo regional podría mejorar la situación en América Latina y el Caribe

En un pintoresco pueblo situado en las colinas colombianas, Isabel Zuleta toma la palabra frente a una multitud. La policía, vestida en uniforme militar, los respalda mientras Zuleta habla sobre el derecho al agua, las preocupaciones de la comunidad sobre nuevos diques en el río Cauca, el cual usan para la pesca y otras necesidades, y las inundaciones que ha causado la represa hidroeléctrica de Hidroituango. Muchos temen que los funcionarios del gobierno estén ignorando sus preocupaciones y solicitudes de compensación.

Aunque esta manifestación y las tantas otras que Zuleta ha organizado han sido pacíficas, su trabajo no es sin conflicto. Como líder de Movimiento Ríos Vivos, un grupo dedicado a proteger los ríos de Colombia, organiza foros públicos para que las comunidades puedan expresar sus preocupaciones en relación a represas y minas. También hace lobby con el gobierno para que éste divulgue información sobre los efectos ambientales de este tipo de proyecto y organiza protestas pacíficas. Por su trabajo en defensa de las comunidades y el medio ambiente, Zuleta ha recibido numerosas amenazas de muerte. Otros miembros de Movimiento Ríos Vivos han sufrido difamación, hostigamiento y vigilancia. Hace solo unos años, dos activistas del grupo fueron asesinados.

La violencia contra los defensores del medio ambiente es prevalente no solo en Colombia, que se encuentra entre los tres países con mayor número de asesinatos de defensores, sino en todo el mundo. En 2017, casi cuatro defensores ambientales fueron asesinados por semana en su empeño por proteger sus tierras, su fauna y sus recursos naturales. América Latina es la región más peligrosa—más del 60 por ciento de asesinatos de defensores en 2016 ocurrieron en sus pueblos remotos o en las profundidades de sus bosques tropicales—mientras que las amenazas contra defensores ambientales están creciendo en el Caribe también.

Negociaciando un acuerdo jurídicamente vinculante para mejorar la democracia ambiental y proteger a los defensores

A medida que un creciente número de organizaciones luchan para elevar el perfil de los defensores ambientales y demandar que los gobiernos tomen medidas para reducir la violencia en su contra, gobiernos y grupos de la sociedad civil de América Latina y el Caribe están negociando el Acuerdo Regional sobre Acceso a la Información, Participación Pública y Acceso a la Justicia en Asuntos Ambientales, también conocido como LAC P10. Si se adopta como un acuerdo jurídicamente vinculante, requerirá que los gobiernos establezcan nuevas normas para alcanzar el Principio 10, conocido como el principio de democracia ambiental de la Declaración de Río sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo. Estas normas aumentarían el acceso de las personas a la información ambiental (como datos de contaminación del agua o concesiones mineras), mejorarían su capacidad para participar en la toma de decisiones ambientales y les ayudarían a exigir que compañías y otros intereses rindan cuentas por acciones que perjudican a comunidades y el medioambiente.

El LAC P10 también incluye requisitos que los gobiernos protejan a las personas que buscan participar en los procesos de toma de decisiones sobre infraestructura, reduciendo así los riesgos que enfrentan los defensores ambientales. Estas estipulaciones innovadoras incluyen:

  • Garantizar un entorno seguro para las personas y organizaciones que promueven y defienden los derechos humanos en asuntos ambientales, para que estén libres de amenazas, restricciones e inseguridad;
  • Tomar medidas para reconocer, proteger y promover todos los derechos de los defensores ambientales; e
  • Implementar medidas para prevenir, investigar y sancionar ataques, amenazas o intimidaciones contra defensores ambientales.

Desde que Chile inició las negociaciones del LAC P10 hace más de seis años, más de 20 países se han sumado al proceso. Del 28 de febrero hasta el 4 de marzo de 2018, estos países se reunirán una vez más en Costa Rica para finalizar los términos y decidir de una vez por todas si el acuerdo será legalmente vinculante.

El actual borrador propone que al menos ocho países deberán ratificar el acuerdo para que éste entre en vigor. Será fundamental que los gobiernos que previamente indicaron interés en un acuerdo vinculante firmen el tratado lo antes posible para incentivar a las otras naciones. Organizaciones de la sociedad civil de toda la región están solicitando a líderes regionales, incluyendo Brasil y Argentina, para que apoyen el acuerdo. Si las negociaciones son insuficientes, el LAC P10 no será jurídicamente vinculante, convirtiéndose en poco más de una guía voluntaria que los países podrán implementar—o no.

El acuerdo es especialmente importante en Brasil, Guatemala, México, Honduras, Perú y Colombia, que han sido algunos de los países más peligrosos para los defensores del medio ambiente y la tierra en los últimos años.

Que una persona más muera por proteger el medio ambiente es demasiado. Es hora de que los países den un paso adelante en la defensa de los defensores.

La violencia en contra de defensores(as) ambientales y de la tierra en Colombia

En 2016, hubo al menos treinta y siete personas asesinadas por su trabajo de defensa del ambiente y la tierra en Colombia. Los datos de la organización Global Witness ubican al país entre los tres más letales desde al menos 2013. Además de los atentados contra su vida, las y los defensores ambientales y de la tierra en Colombia se enfrentan a amenazas, criminalización y secuestros, entre otros peligros.

Este informe investiga la situación de violencia en contra de defensores(as) ambientales y de la tierra mediante el análisis de las condiciones de riesgo, medidas de prevención y protección para defensores, y las brechas de implementación para reducir los riesgos que enfrentan. El texto se basa en una revisión de la literatura y en entrevistas realizadas con organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan con defensores(as) ambientales y de la tierra en Colombia.

Violence Against Environmental and Land Defenders in Colombia

There were thirty‐seven killings of environmental and land defenders in Colombia in 2016. Global Witness’ data has placed the country among the three deadliest in the world since at least 2013. In addition to attacks on their lives, environmental and land defenders face threats, criminalization, and kidnappings, among other dangers.

This report examines the situation of violence against environmental and land defenders in Colombia through the analysis of risk conditions, prevention and protection measures for defenders, and implementation gaps to reduce the risks that they face. The analysis is based on a literature review and interviews with civil society organizations that work with environmental and land defenders in Colombia.

TAI calls on Government of Kenya to provide security and justice for environmental human rights defenders

Last week, the Access Initiative Core Team, on behalf of 23 members of the Access Initiative, sent a letter to the Government of Kenya to call for an immediate investigation and prosecution of those responsible for threatening and harassing members of the Center for Justice Governance and Environmental Action and their families, including Goldman Prize winner Phyllis Omido. The letter was sent to the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and Attorney General.

TAI recognizes that environmental democracy cannot exist in atmosphere of fear and violence targeted towards individuals who protest, organize, or use legal tools to protect their environment and health of their communities. In December, TAI, led by the Mexican Center of Environmental Law (CEMDA) released a report on Emerging Practices of States regarding the protection of environmental defenders in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In delivering this letter, TAI joins UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, John Knox, in calling for justice and security for environmental defenders.

See below the full text of the email and letter sent to the Kenyan Government:



I am writing on behalf of 23 organizations from around the world that are part of the Access Initiative, a global network of civil society organizations that work to ensure the right and ability of the public to access information, participate in decision making, and access justice in environmental matters. We recognize that these are human rights and critical to informed, inclusive and accountable sustainable development.

We are writing out of great concern of the grave threats to the safety of the members and families of the Center for Justice Governance and Environmental Action, the non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Kenya that educates, empowers, and advocates on the behalf of Kenyan communities and the environment. We were gladdened to hear President Kenyatta’s remarks on March 7, 2017, when he pledged to do his “utmost to ensure Kenyans are protected from intimidation, incitement, and violence”. These protections must extend to those who seek to protect public health, human rights, and the environment.

Please find attached our letter and its signatories.

Signed letter:

Dear Ambassador (Dr.) Amina Mohamed, Prof Githu Muigai, and Prof. Judi Wakhungu,



We, the undersigned organizations and members of the Access Initiative, are writing to urge the Government of Kenya to investigate and prosecute those responsible for threatening the safety and security of members of the Center for Justice Governance and Environmental Action (CJGEA), including plaintiffs Phyllis Omido, (Goldman Prize Winner), Wilfred Kamencu, Anastacia Nambo, and Alfred Ogola, as well as their families. In doing so, we join a growing chorus of international friends and allies who are outraged and alarmed, including UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights and the Environment, John Knox (read statement here). These threats, and the kidnapping of a child of one of the members, have occurred after CJGEA initiated a lawsuit to address alleged damages caused by lead smelter Metal Refineries EPZ Ltd to the local community and surrounding soil. We call for the Government of Kenya to issue a response on the steps they are taking to apprehend the culprits and protect the plaintiffs and their families.


In addressing these specific threats, the Government of Kenya has an opportunity to extend protections to other environmental defenders. These should include measures for the prevention of actions that affect the life, integrity and security of these environmental defenders. We call on the Government to consult with these defenders to deal with this emergency situation and provide where appropriate legal support, emergency funds or help in safety prevention measures from the relevant police and other judicial authorities based on the high level of risk in this case.


The Access Initiative, a global network that works on transparency, public participation and access to justice believes this case illustrative of the growing risks of ordinary citizens standing up and seeking justice for harm that is happening in their community. The Kenyan Government has been a champion of issues around the environment, including housing the United Nations Environment Programme and being an active member of the Open Government Partnership.  We urge the Government of Kenya to continue to show leadership and act in accordance with its principles and values by taking immediate steps to urgently address the threat faced by its citizens. We stand united to lend our aid and support for such efforts.




Associacion Ambiente y Sociedad (Colombia)

Association of Environmental Justice in Israel

Benin Environment and Education Society

Bioresources Development and Conservation Programme Cameroon

Community Legal Education Center (Cambodia)

Corporación Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente–FIMA (Chile)

Cultura Ecologica (Mexico)

The Environmental Pillar (Ireland)

Denge Ecology Organization (Turkey)

FIAN Nepal

Friends of the Irish Environment (Ireland)

Friends of Kota Damansara (Malaysia)

Green Alternative (Georgia)

Greenwatch (Uganda)

Indian Environment Lawyers Association

Instituto de Derecho y Economia Ambiental (Paraguay)

Justice Institute Guyana

Persona Natural (Chile)

Public Interest Law Foundation (Sri Lanka)

Saint Lucia National Trust

Samata (India)

Thailand Environment Institute

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association



President Trump’s First Week: Is Environmental Democracy in Jeopardy?

During the new president’s first week in office, the Trump administration took actions that could threaten inclusive decision-making on environmental issues—what we refer to as “environmental democracy”—in the United States:

  • On Monday, the administration instituted a “media blackout” at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), prohibiting staffers from publishing news releases, blogs, social media posts and new web content.
  • Similar actions were taken at other agencies, including curtailing of communications at the Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior, Department of Health and Human Services and with the National Parks Service.
  • On the same day, the president stated that he plans to “cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more” to make it faster for businesses to move projects forward.
  • On Tuesday, he issued an executive order to revive the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, without consulting with the State Department and bypassing further public consultations.
  • On Wednesday, after proposing and then rescinding a directive to remove EPA’s climate change webpage, a spokesperson for the EPA transition team announced that political appointees must review scientific findings on a “case-by-case basis” before releasing them to the public, including routine pollution monitoring data.
  • These actions could not only undermine the government’s ability to protect the environment and public health, but they also erode the foundations of good governance: transparency, public participation and accountability.


Citizens can neither understand nor participate in environmental decision-making without having access to objective, scientific information and data. Sound and effective policymaking within government should be based on the best possible information and evidence. Further, the free flow of information is essential for allowing people to reveal wrongdoing and hold officials to account. As a public institution, the EPA is legally required to provide access to critical environmental information, such as air and water pollution monitoring reports, Environmental Impact Assessments, compliance and enforcement data and climate data. Doing so ensures that Americans “have access to accurate information sufficient to effectively participate in managing human health and environmental risk.”

Beyond communications, it is problematic to require that political appointees review the agency’s scientific data—including regarding climate change—before releasing it to the public. This will be the first time that an administration’s appointees will screen such studies.

This directive undermines the EPA’s established Scientific Integrity Policy, which “prohibits all EPA employees, including scientists, managers, and other Agency leadership, from suppressing, altering, or otherwise impeding the timely release of scientific findings or conclusions.”

The administration’s actions also obstruct an integral component of democratic policymaking. To meaningfully engage in political processes, citizens must have access to accurate information that has not been editorialized or modified. Only with unbiased facts can they understand and shape key decisions that impact their local environments.

Public Participation and Accountability

Public participation is the bedrock of environmental democracy; yet the new administration’s plans may undercut this pillar of good governance. While meeting with business leaders during his first day in office, President Trump declared that the government must eliminate regulations and expedite permitting processes for large development projects. Effective, efficient rule-making should be a goal for policymakers, but it must not come at the cost of public participation.

Many of the EPA’s and other agencies’ procedures—such as air and water discharge permits, waste cleanup plans and Environmental Impact Assessments—require a public consultation process. Soliciting public participation allows policymakers to consider the needs of all stakeholders who may be affected by projects like oil and gas extraction and mining and road construction, and enables them to better identify unintended consequences. Long-term, policies developed with community input often get more public support and less resistance because citizens perceive these decisions as fair and legitimate.

The Dakota Access pipeline project showcases the importance of public participation. In July 2016, the Standing Rock Tribe filed a complaint against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the agency that grants permits needed to construct the pipeline. They claimed that, by crossing under the Missouri River, the pipeline posed a serious threat to the community’s clean water and sacred burial grounds. Their complaint further alleged a breach of the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act on the grounds of failure to consult with affected parties, adverse effects on water health and failure to assess scared sites.

In December, following weeks of public protests, the Corps decided it would delay the project in order to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement, which would explore alternative routes for the pipeline. This result shows the power and necessity of public participation—people’s involvement is critical for protecting communities and for finding the safest, most appropriate options for infrastructure projects.

But on his second day in office, Trump ordered the Corps to “review and approve [the pipeline] in an expedited manner,” without considering alternative routes or conducting a public consultation. His directive effectively thwarts the public participation process to resolve what has become the biggest joint protest of Native American Indian tribes in decades.

The Way Forward

The United States has long been recognized as a global leader in establishing rights to environmental information, to accurate and objective scientific resources, and to public participation in decision-making processes. It currently holds the third-highest ranking on WRI’s Environmental Democracy Index, which scores countries on their ability to provide these fundamental rights.

The EPA and other government agencies’ mandate to use science to inform policies, to conduct extensive public consultations, and communicate openly with people plays a foundational role in protecting people’s health and the environment. Pursuing and sharing scientific data and evidence is integral to this process. The Trump administration, its agencies and their staff have an obligation to protect and continue America’s strong leadership on environmental democracy.

Empowering indigenous communities of Villarrica and Licanray

A Mapuche settlement in the Cautin Province, IX Region of Chile, has been affected by the emission of pollutants into the river channel, the management of the disposal of solid construction waste and the use of medication for the fish. This community is unprotected and uninformed about how can enforce their rights. Therefore, FIMA developed a campaign to advise the indigenous communities in the area of Villarica and Licanray on the drafting and presenting of an injunction before the Environmental Agency (SMA). As a result, every verified infraction was reported to the SMA and an extensive investigation is carried out. In addition, during November 2014, FIMA developed a two-day training workshop in environmental education and empowerment for the community, which was very successful.

The objectives were:

  • To ensure the awareness of the legal instruments available for the community.
  • To guarantee the protection and the safeguarding of their environmental and indigenous rights.
  • To include the community in the process and encourage the participation.

At the end of the course a forum was held to discuss all the topics, make questions and reflect about further directions. In addition, regulation and indigenous consultation were covered.

This campaign will continue with the aim to inform all the communities, and it is expected another session will be organized dedicated to the knowledge of water rights and how to protect them, and the paths available for environmental justice.