Civil society organisations across Latin America and the Caribbean are campaigning for the ratification and full implementation of the Escazu Agreement on environmental Democracy. Proposals are pres
“Everyone has a right to know if their air or water is polluted”
The STRIPE project focuses on empowering communities to improve their environmental health through the right to access info
Member: Indonesia Center for Environmental Law,Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia,Media Link
The conservation and management of protected areas is more efficient when local communities (Fokonolona) can attribute their share of the national park entrance fees (DEAP) as a right and not as a fav
This project focuses on empowering the Mapuches, one of the most important indigenous communities in Chile, about their rights through informative courses and legal advice regarding env
South African law says planned developments, including mines, dams, power stations, roads and landfill sites, need to have their environmental impacts assessed before they can go ahead.
Protect Our Elephants and Save the Pangolin are online campaigns that Greenwatch Uganda started concurrently on our website, Facebook and Twitter. It is meant for all concerned citizens an
Justice and Environment (J&E) is a network of environmental law NGOs in Europe. J&E is paying particular attention to the three access rights, i.e. to information, to participation and to just
TAI members in Malaysia are working to create a stronger network to empower other NGOs and CSO Coalitions. The network will work through structural and meaningful partnerships to achie