The Access Initiative

UNEP’s Access to Information policy “a spark without goal, without direction”

By Carole Excell (Posted: July 3, 2014)

Thank you Mr. Chair for giving me an opportunity speak, My name is Carole Excell and I represent the World Resources Institute and the Access Initiative Network, a global network of civil society organisations and individuals working to improve environmental democracy worldwide. I make this statement with the support of the European Eco-Forum.

It’s my pleasure to speak very briefly on new developments in the form of UNEP’s Access to Information policy released last week at the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi. By Decision 27/2 UNEP’s Governing Council made a clear and purposeful decision to enhance transparency and openness in UNEP’s work by creating such a policy. The new policy has been described as a pilot policy that has been put in place for one year. This is perhaps the best thing about the policy.

I tried last night to come up with a very short way to describe my views on UNEP’s Access to Information policy and instead of using my own somewhat dry boring words I decided to adopt words from a famous Dutch Poet Albert Verwey (“fervie”) from a poem called “Cycle” where he says:

“I am a spark without goal, without direction”

UNEP’s policy is really a spark but fails to have any direction and will likely not achieve the goal of increased transparency and access to information or data. UNEP had an opportunity to pass an access to Information policy that could spark the imagination and interest of people around the world in how they tackle some of the world’s biggest environmental challenges, in today’s lingo they had an opportunity to “ invite the crowd” to engage in addressing global and regional problems that UNEP addresses. Instead UNEP’s Access to Information Policy falls short of its own UNEP Bali Guidelines passed by the Governing Council in 2010 and falls far also from the Model provided by the Aarhus Convention. We are extremely grateful for the intervention of the European Union at the UNEA that highlighted a number of the weaknesses of the policy in keeping with Aarhus obligations and would encourage other countries party to Aarhus to do the same during this pilot stage.

The policy does not include adequate provisions that would require the proactively release of relevant, timely and accurate environmental information and data to the public including use of UNEP live to disseminate information including open data over time.

There has not been Established an Independent Appeals Mechanism to ensure independence and impartial application of the policy rather the “appeals Panel” consisting of 7 UNEP staff. The policy states that no reasons shall be given for denying someone information.
The policy also contains a vastly overbroad regime of exceptions undermined by vastly overbroad statements. UNEP is at a pivotal time in its history. It has currently expanded Governmental membership from 58 member countries to “universal membership” involving participation of all 193 UN member states. This move seriously broadens the organization’s scope and reach—so there’s no better time for it to improve its transparency. UNEP took a preliminary step toward transparency last week, a spark so to speak but it’s important that the organization uses its pilot year to strengthen its access to information policy, consult broadly with civil society, and make space for innovation. We encourage all Aarhus parties to urge UNEP to create a policy that reflects the scale of information needed to overcome our current environmental challenges.

UNEP’s New Access to Information Policy Falls Short of True Transparency

By Devika Jaipuriar (Posted: June 30, 2014)

This article was originally posted on WRI Insights on 23 June, 2014.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released its first-ever access to information policy last week. The pilot policy—which will be revised after its first year—aims to “enhance transparency and openness” in the organization’s work. But despite its noble aspirations, the policy falls far short of providing true transparency.

Why UNEP Needs a Strong Access to Information Policy

UNEP describes itself as “the voice for the environment within the United Nations system … acting as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment.” An access to information policy therefore falls squarely within UNEP’s own mission and could serve as a powerful tool to help the vast number of stakeholders who rely on the organization.

UNEP works on such diverse areas as climate change, disasters and conflicts, ecosystem management, environmental governance, chemicals and waste, as well as energy and resource efficiency. And its reach is huge—the organization has branches in every region of the world and acts as the facilitator of major, global treaties like the Basel ConventionConvention on Biological Diversity, and several others. In theory, UNEP therefore collects an assortment of data and research—much of which could be made publicly available through a strong access to information policy. This information is important not just to academics and researchers, but to government officials, the private sector, and civil society groups who work on ensuring environmental sustainability in decision-making.

4 Areas that Could Be Strengthened

Four areas of the policy in particular are ripe for reform, including:


UNEP had an opportunity to act as an outstanding leader in proactively providing relevant, timely, and accurate environmental information and data to the public. While the policy outlines some documents that will be released proactively rather than by individual requests, it includes no obligation on UNEP to collect and disseminate information via its most publicly accessible platform, “UNEP Live.” UNEP also had an opportunity to be innovative in its policy, recognizing the potential of open data and the need to release information in new forms, such as its entire surface and ground water quality data sets over time. Unfortunately, no such innovation is reflected in the current draft.

Grounds of Refusal

Virtually all access to information policies include exemptions, recognizing that some information may cause serious harm if released—such as information that could prejudice or jeopardize national security. But these “grounds of refusal” are typically narrowly defined, only applying to very specific types of information. UNEP’s new policy includes very broad provisions that allow it to deny information requests, essentially defeating the purpose of the policy. One important example is clause 15: “UNEP does not provide access to any documents, memoranda, or other communications which are exchanged with Member States, with other organizations and agencies, where these relate to the exchange of ideas between these groups, or to the deliberative or decision-making process of UNEP, its Member States, or other organizations, agencies or entities.” This language is so broad basic communications which would cause no harm to UNEP’s internal deliberations—such as the planning of a conference—could be exempted.

Independent Appeals Mechanism

UNEP’s policy establishes an appeals mechanism for people whose information requests are denied, with appeals being considered and decided by the UNEP Access to Information Panel. However, the Panel only consists of seven UNEP staff members appointed by the organization’s executive director—there are no non-UNEP members to ensure independence or impartial application of the policy. In contrast, both the World Bank’s and the Asian Development Bank’s access to information panels include an independent appeals mechanism.


UNEP’s policy states that the organization does not need to provide a reason for denying someone’s information request. This same is true for appeals, with the policy stating that “The outcome of the review will be communicated to the requestor, and there will be no requirement for providing a detailed explanation of the outcome of the review.” This undermines accountability, as future requestors will have no guidance on how the organization makes its decisions or if decisions are made fairly by competent individuals considering all relevant facts. In contrast, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank make their review decisions public on their websites and provide reasons for the refusal of information requests.

Strengthening UNEP’s Access to Information Policy

UNEP is at a pivotal time in its history. For example, it is currently expanding Governmental membership from 58 member countries to “universal membership” involving participation of all 193 UN member states. This move will seriously broaden the organization’s scope and reach—so there’s no better time for it to improve its transparency.

UNEP took a preliminary step toward transparency last week, but it’s important that the organization use its pilot year to strengthen its access to information policy, consult broadly with civil society, and make space for innovation. It’s time for UNEP to create a policy that reflects the scale of information needed to overcome the great environmental challenges we face in this decade.

ECLAC Releases Issues to be Considered in P10 Regional Instrument for Latin America and Caribbean

By Carole Excell (Posted: May 23, 2014)

ECLAC released this week issues to be considered for a regional instrument on Principle 10 in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Working Group on the regional instrument has proposed to open the document for comments for one month from Governments and the public.

This is an exciting opportunity to shape the first regional instrument for Developing Countries that will include issues on transparency, public engagement and accountability around environmental issues. Persons wishing to comment can review the document on the ECLAC website ( )

Segundo Encontro Virtual discutirá Acordo Regional sobre Democracia Ambiental e ações no Brasil sobre o tema

By Renato Morgado (Posted: May 21, 2014)

Organizações e cidadãos brasileiros estão convidados para participar do Segundo Encontro Virtual – Democracia Ambiental e Acordo Regional sobre o Tema, que será realizado no dia 28 de maio (quarta-feira), das 10h00 às 11h30.

No encontro serão discutidos o processo de construção de um acordo entre os governos da América Latina e do Caribe para a implementação do Principio 10(sobre o acesso à participação, à informação e à justiça nas questões ambientais) e das ações para que as organizações e cidadãos brasileiros participem mais ativamente desse processo.

O evento iniciará com a apresentação de um breve resumo sobre a construção do acordo e sobre os resuldados do primeiro encontro, realizado no dia 07 de maio (para saber mais acesse o link

Na sequencia serão debatidos os últimos avanços do processo formal coordenado pela CEPAL (em especial os resultados da última reunião do grupo de trabalho sobre o conteúdo do acordo e o documento elaborado sobre o tema link) e as propostas elaboradas pela The Access Inititave (TAI).

Por fim, serão debatidas as ações e os próximos passos das organizações e cidadãos brasileiros em relação ao tema, incluindo a proposta da realização de um encontro presencial.

Como Participar do Encontro Virtual?

Basta seguir os passos abaixo:

1-Acesse o link e digite os seu dados (nome, e-mail, cidade e instituição, se houver)

2-Após confirmar e enviar os seus dados, você terá acesso a um novo link (este link também será enviado ao e-mail que você registrou)

3-No dia 28 (quarta-feira), às 9h45, acesse o novo link que recebeu

4-Realize o download e instale o programa (dura poucos segundos)

5-Após a instação, o programa “Go to Webinar” abrirá no canto superior direito de sua tela e você estará conectado à plataforma do Encontro

O encontro é aberto? Posso ajudar a divulgá-lo? O encontro é aberto a todas as organizações e cidadãos interessados. O apoio na divulgação é muito bem-vindo e pode ser realizado, dentre outras formas, pelo compartilhamento do link desse noticia ou de seu texto.

Para Saber Mais e Participar Entidades e cidadãos interessados em mais informações ou em participar das próximas ações, podem entrar em contato pelos e-mails e .

É possível também realizar o cadastro no site da Cepal e participar dos debates e apresentar propostas junto ao processo oficial de discussão do acordo regional. Além disso, o site contém noticias e todos os documentos oficiais do processo. Seguem os links:



Gobernanza ambiental: una evaluación del Principio 10 en el Ecuador

Published: 2013

En el plano ambiental, la información y el derecho de acceso a la misma adquieren relevancia no sólo porque esta permite a la población tomar decisiones cotidianas, contribuir a la protección del medio ambiente y fomentar la mejora de las actuaciones ambientales de la industria.

También porque las decisiones del gobierno y de actores privados necesitan fundamentarse en el conocimiento actualizado del estado de los elementos del ambiente y sus implicaciones en los ecosistemas, en la salud humana y en las condiciones de vida de la población.

A raíz de la aprobación de la Constitución del 2008 se estableció un nuevo marco que refuerza y garantiza el cumplimiento de los derechos de acceso a la información, participación ciudadana y justicia ambiental. En este contexto, el CEDA consideró importante realizar un nuevo esfuerzo de investigación que permita obtener evidencia actual sobre el estado de implementación y ejercicio de los derechos de acceso.

Esta investigación busca generar evidencia concreta que permita desarrollar recomendaciones posteriores, acciones y propuestas puntuales que aporten a la retroalimentación de la política nacional y ambiental vigente y en los esfuerzos de creación de capacidades impulsados por el gobierno.

Democracia Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible: Hacia un Instrumento Regional sobre Derechos de Acceso

Published: 2014
Hacia un Instrumento Regional sobre Derechos de Acceso

En la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Desarrollo Sostenible celebrada en junio de 2012, conocida como Río+20, se inició un proceso tendiente a lograr la firma de un instrumento regional en América Latina y el Caribe sobre los derechos de acceso a la información, participación pública y justicia en materia ambiental. Estos derechos se encuentran recogidos en el Principio 10 de la Declaración de Río sobre Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente, y por lo mismo constituyen los elementos fundacionales del desarrollo sostenible. 17 países de la región, representando a más de 500 millones de personas, se encuentran participando del proceso denominado “hacia un instrumento regional para la cabal implementación de los derechos de acceso”. ¿Cómo se origina esta iniciativa? ¿Cuál es la relación entre los derechos de acceso, el desarrollo sostenible y la democracia ambiental? ¿Cuáles han sido los hitos del proceso hasta ahora? ¿Qué se espera en el 2014 y a futuro? Este artículo aborda estas preguntas y analiza el potencial impacto de un instrumento jurídicamente vinculante sobre los derechos de acceso para la democracia ambiental en la región.

Indicadores de gestión ambiental: Una de cal, varias de arena


Published: 2014

Indicadores de gestión ambiental: Una de cal, varias de arena


Por tercer año consecutivo, FARN analizó los avances y retrocesos en el cumplimiento de la normativa ambiental por parte de cinco autoridades con competencia en la materia, mediante un sistema de indicadores especialmente diseñado. Esta tarea fue llevada a cabo a través del uso de pedidos de Acceso a la Información Pública Ambiental, con el fin de determinar: 1) el grado de cumplimiento de la legislación en materia de acceso a la información pública ambiental 2) el nivel de observancia de otras normas y obligaciones ambientales En esta edición, se pudo verificar un retroceso en aspectos de cumplimiento de acceso a la información; y un cumplimiento desparejo en relación a otras normas ambientales, que importan avances y estancamientos en relación con los mismos. Entre los avances se puede destacar la confección del Primer Informe Nacional sobre el Estado del Ambiente (2012) efectuado por la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable a diez años de sancionada la Ley N° 25675 que así lo ordenaba. Entre los pendientes podemos señalar temas que hacen a la gestión de los residuos en el área metropolitana y las dificultades de implementación y control en materia de bosques y glaciares, que con el correr del tiempo se empiezan a concebir como serios estancamientos.

Brazilian Organizations Discuss LAC Agreement on Principle 10 and Environmental Democracy

By Renato Morgado (Posted: May 14, 2014)

The challenges of environmental democracy in Brazil and the process to elaborate a regional agreement about Principle 10 in the LAC region were discussed in a virtual meeting last Wednesday (7).

Organized by The Access Initiative, WRI and Article 19, the meeting had 25 participants, representatives from 18 organizations, including environmentalist organizations and networks,transparency and access to information organizations as well as representatives from lawyers and public environmental prosecutors.

Initially the process of the last two years was presented, in which governments and civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean have been discussing the construction of a regional agreement on Principle 10 (access to participation, information and justice in environmental matters).

After this presentation, a discussion about the challenges of environmental democracy in Brazil and how the Brazilian society can participate more actively on this regional process was held.

The theme’s importance was highlighted by participants. Carolle Utrera Alarcon, from Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amazonas (Idesam), stated: “The participation and transparency culture in Brazil and in the region contributes to the democratic improvement and to the protection of the environment and human rights.”

Pedro Jacobi, professor and researcher at University of Sao Paulo with extensive experience in the subject, considers that the construction of the regional agreement is very relevant. According to him: “we will be able to set an agenda and guiding principles to advance the issue from various forms of action.”.

This opinion was shared by Silvia Capelli, environmental public prosecutor in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and coordinator for the Latin American Network of Environmental Public Prosecutors. According to her: “It is fundamental with a regional agreement for the improvement of environmental democracy, given the common circumstances and problems among the countries”.

The meeting was evaluated as good for the participants. For Carolle: “It was an excellent meeting and enabled the gathering of people from different action fields, experiences and regions, it allowed the sharing of the process about the regional agreement and the mobilization around the debate”.

Some referrals were defined at the end of the meeting: the participation of citizens and organizations in the official process, coordinated by CEPAL; the contribution of suggestions and comments, for the TAI proposals about the regional agreement; Dissemination of information about the process; and Other further meetings to deepen the debate about this theme.

To know more about the Brazilian discussion and the next actions enter in contact through the e-mails

Entidades Debatem Acordo Regional que pode Aprofundar a Democracia Ambiental no Brasil

By Renato Morgado (Posted: May 9, 2014)

Os desafios da democracia ambiental no Brasil e o processo de construção de um acordo regional sobre o tema foram debatidos em encontro virtual realizado nessa quarta-feira (7).

Promovido pela Iniciativa de Acesso (TAI, sigla em inglês)WRI e Artigo 19, o encontro contou com a participação de 25 pessoas, representando 18 instituições, dentre organizações ambientalistas, universidades, redes, organizações de promoção de transparência e acesso à informação e entidades de advogados e promotores da área ambiental.

Inicialmente foi apresentado o processo dos últimos dois anos, no qual, governos e sociedade civil da América Latina e do Caribe discutem a construção de um acordo regional sobre o Princípio 10 (princípio aprovado na Rio92, sobre o acesso à participação, à informação e à justiça nas questões ambientais).

Após a apresentação, foram esclarecidas dúvidas e aberto o debate sobre os desafios da democracia nas questões ambientais no Brasil e como a sociedade brasileira pode participar mais ativamente desse processo regional.

A importância do tema foi ressaltada pelos participantes. Para Carolle Utrera Alarcon, do Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amazonas (Idesam) e secretária-executiva do Movimento Ficha Verde, “A cultura da participação e do acesso à informação no pais e na região contribui com o fortalecimento da democracia e com a proteção do meio ambiente e dos direitos humanos.”.

Pedro Jacobi, professor e pesquisador da USP com ampla experiência no tema, considera que a construção do acordo regional é muito relevante, pois segundo ele “poderá estabelecer uma agenda e princípios norteadores para avançar na questão a partir de diversas formas de atuação”.

A opinião é compartilhada por Silvia Capelli, promotora de justiça no Rio Grande do Sul e coordenadora da Rede Latino Americana de Ministério Público Ambiental. Segundo ela “um acordo regional para fortalecimento da democracia na América Latina é fundamental dada as circunstâncias comuns e os problemas compartilhados.”.

O encontro foi avaliado de forma positiva pelos participantes. Para Silvia, “O Brasil, talvez até pelo idioma, nem sempre está totalmente conectado com as iniciativas regionais sobre o Princípio 10. Assim, criar esse foro de discussão, de alto nível, fortalece a posição brasileira na região”.

Segundo Carolle “O encontro foi muito rico e possibilitou a reunião de pessoas de diferentes campos de atuação, experiências e regiões, permitiu a divulgação do processo de construção do Acordo e a mobilização de diversos atores em torno do debate sobre direitos de acesso.”

Alguns encaminhamentos foram definidos ao final do encontro, sendo os principais: a participação das entidades e cidadãos no processo oficial de discussão coordenado pela CEPAL; a contribuição, com sugestões, para a proposta de conteúdos do acordo em fase de elaboação pelos membros da Iniciativa de Acesso; a geração e a disseminação de informações sobre o processo; e a realização de novos encontros para aprofundar o debate sobre o tema.

Para Saber Mais e Participar Entidades e cidadãos interessados em mais informações ou em participar das próximas ações, podem entrar em contato pelo e-mail .

É possível também realizar o cadastro no site da Cepal e participar dos debates e apresentar propostas junto ao processo oficial de discussão do acordo regional. Além disso, o site contém noticias e todos os documentos oficiais do processo. Seguem os links:



Extractive Working Group of Open Government Partnership to be Expanded to Natural Resources Transparency

By Carole Excell (Posted: May 8, 2014)

ICEL recently held a session on “Models of Openness in Sustainable Natural Resources Management” during Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Bali, Indonesia.TAI Director, Lalanath de Silva, spoke for the session. The objective is to mainstream more environmental matters in the OGP, including more country commitment for innovations related to P10. You can see TAI’s previous blog regarding environmental issues in OGP… . Please find below the key takeways for the session. Starting from this year, the Extractive Working Group of OGP will be expanded to Natural Resources Transparency, and will include WRI and Indonesia in addition to RWI and Gov’t of Ghana. We are looking forward to see more TAI Partners in the following OGP events!

Models of Openness in Sustainable Natural Resources Management -Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional Conference

Natural resources, including extractive industries are highly related to revenue issues, potential social conflicts, and environmental risks exposed to the local areas. This session aims to bring the discourse and lesson learned from the international, national and sub-national level on how transparency can contribute to sustainable natural resources management, as well as ensuring the revenues obtained from resource exploitation can benefit both local and national governments fairly.

Emanuel Bria opened the with emphasizing that good governance is a meeting point to balance the benefit and disadvantages of natural resources exploitations, particularly in extractive sectors. This session has been broaden the past discussions on extractive revenues management to sustainable natural resources context in Asia Pacific. Bria mentioned the Resource Governance Index where Asia Pacific countries have been benefited from extractive exploitation for an average of 25% of total exports and 34% of government income. However, FPIC and disclosures of extractives-related documents, including those related to environmental impacts, has not fully committed by all countries – including Indonesia. Following Bria’s elaboration on extractive revenue transparency, Lalanath de Silva emphasizes the inter-relation between information and ability of citizen engagement and accountability mechanism in environmental & natural resources related issues, including in extractive matters. He emphasizes how OGP has addressed many revenue issues; however, it is a challenge of OGP to also pay attention on those who disadvantaged with the development. “At this point of time, the OGP has decided to extend the work of OGP to cover natural resources issues. So, it is expected that this working group will be able to address the double curse of natural resources management – the revenue and those who are left behind,” Lalanath emphasize about the expanded ToR of the Working Group on Natural Resources of OGP. Starting from this year, the Working Group will be hosted by Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) and World Resource Institute (WRI), also government of Indonesia and Ghana. EITI perspectives from Philippines, as pointed by Elisea G. Gosun, has enrich the discussion with the fact that the EITI in Philippines was agreed by the business and local government in order to protect the environment and encourage the local engagement. “The community need to see what benefit them of the exploitation, not only benefit to the country”, she said. As Philippines has experienced, EITI has been one of the solution offered to firstly improve good governance in mining sectors, as well as protection to environment. The local experience of Bojonegoro has bring excitement to the participants as the Mayor, Suyoto, share the city’s experience in managing the natural resources revenues in local development through various channel. Bojonegoro consolidates in its regional planning, opening public space, enact local regulation on transparency on governance and ensure citizen participation in its natural-resources decision making. “The key is how we minimize the environmental and social impact; and how we use the revenues to bring positive impact in local context.” The rich question and answer sessions much address the local context and natural resources sustainability as it is expected. This session brings the discussion further through the extractive and natural resources working group.